borneo jungle orchid

borneo jungle orchid
jungle orchid nusantara image

Sunday 28 February 2016

Coelogyne pandurata- origin in Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines

Coelogyne pandurata / Coel pandurata is also called the 'Black Orchid'.

Found in Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines as a large sized, hot growing epiphyte found on large trees near rivers or terrestrial with well-spaced, strongly compressed, oblong pseudobulb, leaves with a stout petiole that blooms up to 15 flowers on a terminal, arched to pendant, 6 to 12inch inflorescence. The simultaneously opening flowers are highly fragrant of honey.
This orchid spreads out quite rapidly and sphagnum with wood chips as media works best.  -Extract wiki.
Jungle orchid-nusantara images
AKA: Sometimes called the 'Black Orchid' because of the dark markings on the lip.
ORIGIN/HABITAT: Plants are reported in Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines on Mindanao, Luzon & Samar Islands.They generally grow on old trees by rivers, near the coast, or in hot, damp, swampy lowlands.
PSEUDOBULBS: Large, very flattened, oval shaped, and often curved, the pseudobulbs are 3-5 in. (7.5-12.5 cm) tall, and widely spaced on acreeping rhizome.
LEAVES: 2 per growth. The evergreen foliage is about 18 in.
INFLORESCENCE:   8-18 in. (20-45 cm) long.  The arching inflorescence emerges from the center of a new   growth, usually before the leaves have developed.
FLOWERS :  5-9 per inflorescence, and up to 15 on well grown plants. The flowers open sequentially & since each blossom lasts about a week, all flowers on an inflorescence may not be open at the same time.The very fragrant blossoms are 3-5 in. (7.5-12.4 cm) across & well spaced along the inflorescence. 
Sepals & petals are a clear, pale green to greenish yellow. The dorsal sepal is held forward over the column & the petals and lateral sepals are wide spreading. The blue-green lip is wide & showy with wavy margins.    The lip is accented with deep green in the throat & irregular dark brownish black markings.
Jungle orchid-nusantara image
A word of warning regarding the purchase of thisspecies - I have bought plants labelled 
"Coel. pandurata" both from commercial nurseries and at auction which proved on flowering to be 
either Coelogyne mayeriana or the hybrid Coelogyne Burfordiensis (C. panduratax C. asperata).
The lip must be "fiddle shaped" & have black-purple, not brown(C. Burfordiensis)markings-
- extract orchidaustralia with thanks.
Coelogyne pandurata  - 1 set of two pseudobulbs selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.
  Jungle orchid-nusantara images

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