borneo jungle orchid

borneo jungle orchid
jungle orchid nusantara image

Sunday 19 February 2017





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Monday 25 April 2016

Renanthera Kalsom, a primary orchid hybrid, a cross between Ren philippinensis & Ren storiei

Renanthera, abbreviated as Ren in horticultural trade, is a genus of large scrambling monopodial epiphytic and terrestrial species found in China, the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and Melanesia. Species in this genus produce a branched inflorescence containing numerous flowers ranging in color from yellow and orange to red. 
 nusantara images
Species in this genus usually require an intermediate to hot climate with good air movement and generally bright light. Their scrambling style of growth means they are best grown on a hanging mount or basket. If they are grown in pots there must be excellent drainage.-wiki
wiki image-
Renanthera Kalsom 'Red Dragon' is a primary orchid hybrid, a cross between Renanthera philippinensis (seed parent) and Renanthera storiei  (pollen parent).The large-sized, tropical orchid hybrid, reaching highs up to 1.5 to 2 meters, has been registered with the Royal Horticultural Society under the name Renanthera Kalsom by S.Y.Alsagoff in 1977. 

The plant blooms 3 to 4 times per year.
The flowers last for months that this particular plant will have flowers all year long- orchidboard

They are warm growing and need plenty of sunlight.

Renanthera Kalsom - 1 stem bloom size of about two feet selling @ us 35, inclusive of express delivery service. Please email me for further details.

Friday 11 March 2016

Dipodium scandens is an orchid species that is native to Malesia

From Wikipedia-  Dipodium scandens is an orchid species that is native to Malesia.
Common Name The Scandent dipodium.
Yet to ensure if Den pandanum is synonym to this species. 

One of the rare orchids of Peninsular Malaysia and of Mount Kinabalu, scandens is an epiphyte with elongated stem completely enveloped by leaf-bearing sheaths. This plant can grow up to three meters and looks very much like pandanus plant. 

Branching is dichotomous (repeated branching into two equal parts) or trichotomous or irregular. Leaves are sword like and arranged spirally. In fully exposed leaves, the midrib is bent, and the upper third or so of the leaf hangs down giving a drooping appearance 

Produce about two to three flower stems at the same time with about a dozen flowers per stem. Blooms like three to four times a year. 
-jungle orchid nusantara images

Dipodium scandens- 2 stems (about 10 inches long) selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

 flower  below from orchidspecies image with thanks

Sunday 28 February 2016

Coelogyne pandurata- origin in Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines

Coelogyne pandurata / Coel pandurata is also called the 'Black Orchid'.

Found in Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines as a large sized, hot growing epiphyte found on large trees near rivers or terrestrial with well-spaced, strongly compressed, oblong pseudobulb, leaves with a stout petiole that blooms up to 15 flowers on a terminal, arched to pendant, 6 to 12inch inflorescence. The simultaneously opening flowers are highly fragrant of honey.
This orchid spreads out quite rapidly and sphagnum with wood chips as media works best.  -Extract wiki.
Jungle orchid-nusantara images
AKA: Sometimes called the 'Black Orchid' because of the dark markings on the lip.
ORIGIN/HABITAT: Plants are reported in Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines on Mindanao, Luzon & Samar Islands.They generally grow on old trees by rivers, near the coast, or in hot, damp, swampy lowlands.
PSEUDOBULBS: Large, very flattened, oval shaped, and often curved, the pseudobulbs are 3-5 in. (7.5-12.5 cm) tall, and widely spaced on acreeping rhizome.
LEAVES: 2 per growth. The evergreen foliage is about 18 in.
INFLORESCENCE:   8-18 in. (20-45 cm) long.  The arching inflorescence emerges from the center of a new   growth, usually before the leaves have developed.
FLOWERS :  5-9 per inflorescence, and up to 15 on well grown plants. The flowers open sequentially & since each blossom lasts about a week, all flowers on an inflorescence may not be open at the same time.The very fragrant blossoms are 3-5 in. (7.5-12.4 cm) across & well spaced along the inflorescence. 
Sepals & petals are a clear, pale green to greenish yellow. The dorsal sepal is held forward over the column & the petals and lateral sepals are wide spreading. The blue-green lip is wide & showy with wavy margins.    The lip is accented with deep green in the throat & irregular dark brownish black markings.
Jungle orchid-nusantara image
A word of warning regarding the purchase of thisspecies - I have bought plants labelled 
"Coel. pandurata" both from commercial nurseries and at auction which proved on flowering to be 
either Coelogyne mayeriana or the hybrid Coelogyne Burfordiensis (C. panduratax C. asperata).
The lip must be "fiddle shaped" & have black-purple, not brown(C. Burfordiensis)markings-
- extract orchidaustralia with thanks.
Coelogyne pandurata  - 1 set of two pseudobulbs selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.
  Jungle orchid-nusantara images

Friday 26 February 2016

Dendrobium lohokii species– jungle orchid from Sabah (Malaysia) and Borneo.

Dendrobium lohokii orchid species – amongst “Treasures from the Heart of Borneo” – nbc news  “an 85,000-square-mile conservation area known as the "Heart of Borneo.”

Dendrobium lohokii found in Sabah (Malaysia) and Borneo is an epiphyte with stems that can grow up to three feet (one meter). 
Leaves are oblong.
Single flowers bloom on stems and they are very fragrant.

amos tan image with thanks

Dendrobium lohokii - 3 stems (about 10 inches long) selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Dendrobium secundum orchid species- another jungle orchid of Malaysia and Borneo.

The Dendrobium secundum is native to Malaysia, Borneo, the Himalayas, Myanmar through Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. 

Dendrobium secundum is also known as the toothbrush orchid. The common name refers to the fact that all the flowers faced the same direction, much like the bristles of a toothbrush.

Can be mounted on tree barks or planted in a well drained pot filled with perlite and charcoal fragments.
It produces large spikes of many small blooms atop leafless canes. The flowers are deep purple in color, slightly fragrant and can last for three months. Canes with leaves do not flower.
Can reproduce by seed, micropropagation, or by division providing each section with 3-4 pseudobulbs.
nusantara images

Dendrobium secundum - 3 stems (about 12 inches long) selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.
 wiki image

Saturday 20 February 2016

Dendrobium anosmum - orchid species with a powerful fragrance.

Dendrobium is commonly abbreviated as Den in horticulture.

One of the orchid species with a powerful fragrance is Dendrobium anosmum.
The Hawaiian name for Den anosmum is Hono hono. The Philippino name is Sanggumay which means "purple rain". 

Ironically, "Anosmum" in Latin means without scent. This species is native to New Guinea, the Phillippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Den anosmum is an easy to grow epiphyte with long slender stems and short oblong leaves.
Sanggumays are preferably established on pieces of deadwood, coconut husks or attached to live trees. They have to be fastened firmly into the wood or coconut husk for their roots to grow and cling properly to the media. I prefer to hang them down as they do in nature- this way, the stems grow stronger.

Extract from sdorchids, with thanks – “The long slender pseudobulbs are said to grow to 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) in length. Each node generally produces 1-3 flowers. This fragrant orchid flowers smell much better during the morning hours and they bloom for about four weeks. A well grown pseudobulb can produce over 100 flowers.

The unbloomed nodes near the tip of the pseudobulbs and a few nodes just below the lowest flowers will start to produce keikis. A keiki may be removed from its parent plant when a good root system has developed in a couple of months.

The first-year's growth are usually no longer than one and one-half feet and do not flower. The next year's growths usually reach four feet long.”

jungle orchid nusantara image

Dendrobium anosmum3 stems (about 16 inches long) selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

swangumay flickr

swangumay flickr

Thursday 18 February 2016

Dendrobium tanii orchid - species of Moluccas origin

Dendrobium tanii, one of my favorite orchid species.

Actually, den tannii is often listed as den. bracteosum var. tannii.

Has semi-deciduous tapering canes, many short densely flowered spikes producing upright cones of 1" flowers, ranging from pure white to pink to dark purple.

One single inflorescence can produce over seventeen flowers, hence half a dozen can easily bear a hundred flowers.

Mine is deep purple, pink and white. These beautiful blooms can last for six months.
jungle orchid nusantara images
flickrhivemind - pink tanii image

Dendrobium tanii - 3 stems (about 12 inches long) selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana, botanic - malaysia jungle orchid

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana, botanic- species on the rare in Malaysia

Like most Phal orchids, Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana does not require a great deal of light (partial shade with some direct morning sun is best). It has to be kept moist and not wet. Drainage must be good and the medium should not completely dry out.

It needs good air movement and may be grown outside under lath or shaded by trees where here, the natural air movement is fine. For good drainage- use charcoal and bark fragments.  

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana has oblong fleshy leaves and can be mounted on trunks or planted in pots. Stems are covered by imbricate foliar bases. The stem is to be cut only when withered.

It has a rather indeterminate blooming period, with purple stripe flowers which are long lasting up to eight weeks. Young plants easily form on the inflorescence (keiki /sons in hawaian) which can be removed once good rooting systems  are formed. 

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana, botanic – pbase image with thanks

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana - 1 stem selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

Monday 15 February 2016

Phalaenopsis sumatrana jungle orchid

Phalaenopsis sumatrana is a medium-sized, short stem epiphytic orchid, covered with large overlapping oval leaves.

The flower petals are waxy or fleshy and mildly fragrant.  The stems (inflorescence) are about 12" long, with bracts spaced along their length. From each of the bracts sprouts a single flower of brown, white and rust yellow, with multiple flowers lined up along the end of the inflorescence- wiki

Phalaenopsis sumatrana is a species of orchid endemic to peninsular Thailand, Vietnam and southern Sumatra. As well  found in Malaysia.

Sumatrana is one of the more rare Phal. species, don’t cut the spikes, they can bloom for more than a  year and young plants can easily form on the inflorescence.

Phal sumatrana - from orchid species image with thanks

sumatrana- understandingtropicalorchids image with thanks

Phalaenopsis sumatrana - 1 stem selling @ us 45, inclusive of express courier service. Please email me for further details.

Saturday 6 February 2016

SLIPPER ORCHID- Paphiopedilum hennisianum

Paphiopedilum hennisianum - exotic jungle orchid of Borneo.

Commonly referred to as the "lady's-slippers" or "slipper orchids"

This orchid is relatively easy to grow indoors, as long as conditions that mimic their natural habitats are created. 

Most species thrive in moderate to high humidity(50-70%), well-aerated soil and moist conditions, moderate temperature and low light.

Each bloom can last  between 4 to 8 weeks.
wiki image
jungle orchid nusantara image
jungle orchid nusantara image - 3 pieces
with leaves about 4 inches long

Paphiopedilum hennisianum slipper orchid due to CITES restrictions which control the trade in endangered species, slipper orchids cannot legally cross borders

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Grammatophyllum speciosum - tiger orchid

Grammatophyllum speciosum - abbreviated in horticultural trade as Gram.

Also known as Tiger orchid, giant orchid, sugar cane orchid or queen of the orchids, is the world's largest orchid. The pseudobulbs are enveloped by sheaths.-wikipedia

These cylindric pseudobulbs can grow up to 2.5m. 
Each raceme can grow up to a height of 3m, bearing about eighty flowers of 10cm width. The flowers are yellow colored with maroon or dark red spots and can remain in bloom for up to two months. They grow in crotches of large trees and tree stumps- wikia

As for us, we just plant them in the ground with plenty of sunlight. They well received organic and high nitrogen content fertilizers.
pbase-wongtsushi image with thanks

wikia image
kew's tropical nursery image with thanks
Grammatophyllum speciosum orchid- 1 set of three (3) pseudobulbs ( each about 1m length) selling @ us 65, inclusive of express courier service. 
Please email me for further details.